In 2015, the Faith Sycas Youth Ministry ran yet another Charismatic Confirmation Camp for the Confirmation Teens of the Church for 2015. I began to see that this camp could become an annual event and so I decided to stick to the same brand and concept as its first one last year.  


 In the tessellation for this year's poster, I tried to incorporate a symbol or element in line with the theme. And so I decided to hide in shape of an hourglass in line with the word 'Time' in the theme.

 Typeface & Colour Palette

  As this was the second time the ministry was running such a camp, I asked about what could be helped with administrative matters. 

So I came up with a Camp Package which shows clear instructions about submission of registration forms. So each participant would receive a package with their names individually printed on it with their class. And in each package it'll have 2 forms and a fully illustrated information page with instructions. They receive a postcard and 2 envelopes as well.

I created a webpage to allow participants view more info about the camp should they have any queries about camp. Also a platform for them to download the registration form if they have lost theirs. 

Visit to view the site.

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