Youth Mass - Overwhelmed was the second year the Faith Sycas were running a Youth Mass in the church. 

The theme Overwhelmed was to turn the idea of how we are all overwhelmed by our work and things happening around in our life, into something overwhelming in a positive way. The main highlight of the event was going to be on a video about the universe hence, I went with a galaxy approach to the brand.

On the edge of the poster, I mimicked a torn page to show 'Overwhelm' from a work perspective. Into seeing a whole universe in 'Overwhelm' with awe. I even hid an image of Jesus in the background subtly.

I continued using the namecards as a form as flyers to distribute to different youths.

Together with my team, we put together a opening video, plus 4 other trailers for the mass to enhance the participant's experience. 

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